NYTÅR 2013


PDF-Katalog, www.uffechristoffersen.net
PDF-Katalog, http://www.uffechristoffersen.net


Jeg er lige blevet færdig med et PDF-katalog, hvor jeg har skrevet  “Om at holde tigre”, 

“To hunt the Tiger,
you must first hunt the Tiger in yourself,
and to do that,
you first make certain that the Tiger is not hunting you.” Mochtar Lubis.

Kataloget er illustreret med 10 tigre udført på min computer, som jeg kalder Computer Art, de er en nytårshilsen til dem der modtager mit månedlige nyhedsbrev 🙂

Som barn har man ofte mange drømme og vilde ønsker, men som oftest finder man efterhånden ud af, at en del af dem er urealistiske, og derfor umulige at føre ud i livet.

Det er få der stædigt prøver at gennemføre deres vildeste barndomsdrømme.
En af undtagelserne, var en sydfransk, pensioneret jernbanearbejder, som bor i en mindre bjerglandsby, omkring 30 km. fra det sted hvor jeg bor. Han havde hele sit liv sparet sammen for at kunne realisere sin barndomsdrøm, nemlig at eje et par tigre. Da han blev pensioneret, besluttede han at føre dette projekt ud i livet, han ville købe to tigre, som han kunne have i sin baghave…læs mere ved at klikke på dette link

Hvis linket ikke virker er adressen her:

Mange Hilsener



A “one day” exhibition in my Galleri Kaiserborgen

I have made this “one day” exhibition for my birthday next saturday. I am very happy about it. The big room is going to be my atelier or show room in a few years.

The tigers stripes

The three tiger heads are about energy. Pure natural energy as it is expressed in one of the wildest of predators, the tiger and its dynamic movement. Tiger’s head indicates the direction of the animal’s movement.

The tiger can be described as an orange predator with black stripes, or perhaps it may rather be regarded as a black predator with orange bands.
There are no two tigers have the same pattern of black stripes.
These black stripes is to give the tiger’s head a mask character and ambiguity. They form a network of pattern as an arabesque, which is usually symmetrical structure, which seems to continue indefinitely.

The explosive colors on the canvas is, for me, a very important element. They are the ones showing the strong expression in the tiger, its ferocity and energy. It is this dynamic colorful brush use, that best expresses the tiger’s nature.

You can see more paintings on my homepage: http://www.uffechristoffersen.net


I have just updated my homepage with a lots of new photos from the nature here in the south of France and paintings I am working on : www.uffechristoffersen.net

Paintings in progress

10 paintings in progress. All 114 x 146 cm. Oil on canvas. 2012.

You can see more pantings on my homepage: www.uffechristoffersen.net











10 paintings in progress. All 114 x 146 cm. Oil on canvas. 2012.

You can see more pantings on my homepage: www.uffechristoffersen.net

Warm Yellow Tiger.

You can see more paintings on my homepage:  www.uffechristoffersen.net

Warm Yellow Tiger. 50 x 50 cm. 2012. Painting. www.uffechristoffersen.net

Black Computer Art 7

You can see more Black Computer Art on my home site: www.uffechristoffersen.net

Horse attacked by a black tiger. 37 x 27 cm. 2012. Black Computer Art

New pdf catalog

Download my new PDF Catalog “Tiger in the night – Tiger in the light”. HERE>>
or http://web.mac.com/uffechristoffersen/Site_/Bienvenue.html

A dramatic light against a black background, get the picture to glow. The painting disguises a harsh black tiger head with bright yellow-green eyes and a big red roaring mouths with large sharp, white fangs. Black is the full color that are best suited to lead the drama in my painting to its utmost climax.

No. 7 – 10 paintings from the series: Return of the walking tiger.

No. 07. Return of the walking tiger. 97 x 130 cm. 2010.

No. 08. Return of the walking tiger. 97 x 130 cm. 2010.

No. 09. Return of the walking tiger. 97 x 130 cm. 2010.

No. 10. Return of the walking tiger. 97 x 130 cm. 2010.