Madness can be a wild tiger

Caput Mortuum Tiger. 100 x 65 cm. 2012.

Art is a form of madness because there are so many risks in connection with artistic observations. The transgressions of normal limits which every artistic process presupposes can be fateful.
The costs are great. Sometimes it is a matter of life or death.
An artist who outlives himself can control his madness. Controlled madness is the true badge of an artist.
Through controlled madness the artist reaches the targets he aspires to. 

Madness can be a wild tiger which must not be killed. One must make do with identifying it, hunting it, forcing it up in to a corner and harnessing it to one’s feelings and imagination. 

A wild tiger must be tamed.
The tamed tiger will lead the artist much further forward than any school, teacher, drug or religion will be able to.
But as with every source of strength and development, there is a risk in playing with one’s own savagery. Sometimes when the identification and the hunt go too fast, the process disintegrates and the tamed tiger turns on the artist with its atavistic savagery.

New photo from my studio :-)

I just made a new photo for my homepage, from my atelier in Fontareches, France 🙂


I am going to have a exhibition with ANNETTE HOFF-JESSEN in the JANUS BUILDING. 27/10 – 25/11 2012. It will be a major exhibition that we look forward to. The titel for my paintings are “The striped lion”
Some of the paintings can be seen under or

Annette Hoff-Jessen standing in front of her landscape and Uffe Christoffersen in the front of his tigers.

From the Studio

Now it is weekend, and I have been painting every day since monday. The result  is seven paintings in progress. -Three which are 2 x 2 m. -Two paintings which are 195 x 97 cm. and two which are 195 x 130 cm. I just started with the drawning and put on a thin layer of  paint for a start.

Have just updated my website with new photos. -It’s really fun and nice, so I can show my pictures to others. It is like a “diary” with pictures 🙂

You can see more paintings on my homepage.

Outdoor studio

I am drawing on my terrasse sitting in the shadow. I like that because i can concentrate my mind on the work I am doing, and all my ideas, can I quickly note down on the paper. Working in the sun can be disturbing, but at the same time it gives lot of light siting outdoor in the shadow 🙂

Working in my terrasse 🙂

My terrasse:

What a cool day

The Tour de France was passing our village today. It was great. Later I had lunch in Avignon. Walked around the town, looking at all the people from the Theatre festival who was dressed up in funny costumed. They were also singing and dancing 🙂



The Theatre Festival of Avignon 🙂

I have just updated my homepage with a lots of new photos from the nature here in the South of France and paintings I am working on :


I live in the Southern of france where there grow lots of wine. It is very dry in the summer, and lots of the other plants are almost yellow. But the wine is still green, because they have roots which goes fare deep into the ground. (Almost 25 meter)  It grows in a soil which have the color of  red ochre, and the contrast of the red and green,  is very beautiful each day to look at  🙂

I have just updated my homepage with a lots of new photos from the nature here in the south of France and paintings I am working on :