One of the reasons that I paint tigers is that when I draw figures can I get volume up with the aid of animal stripes. In this way I can get the nice stripes to the animal, to enter into my painterly expression. Long brushstrokes that give a dynamic look, while also describing the animal’s volume. These stripes are also helping to give the image a rhythm so that the animal in perfect harmony as a natural consequence.

After drawing the figure with chalk and draw coal, I paint the lines with a white Pastos color. Into this watery color I paint a black which is tinted by the white. If the white color was not there it would be very black death and unambiguous. It would for me be very hard to get on with the next color layer, if not the blacks were “open” with all its nuances …

02. Sandokan. 146x114 cm. www.uffechristoffersen.net
02. Sandokan. 146×114 cm.